Our Team


Brad and Dana Pryor
Lead Pastors

Brad and Dana Pryor were ordained as Pastors at Life Christian Center on August 30th, 2020. Brad and Dana were married in Lees Summit on January 1st, 2004. Both have been members at Life Christian Center since 2006. Both have served in leadership at LCC with Brad serving as an usher, Men’s Ministry leader, and adult education teacher, and Dana serving in the nursery, as a greeter, and in the Back-Pack ministry to the community.

Before Life Christian Center, Both attended Lees Summit Community Church where they developed God’s Restoration Family Ministry serving blended families and families who have been impacted by divorce. At LSCC, Brad and Dana met Dr. Dan and Kathy Erickson and helped them to serve single-parent families and families in crisis.

Dana is a native of Lees Summit, being born and raised here. She attended Lee's Summit High School and she graduated with a BA in Business at Mid-America Nazarene College. She is the daughter of James and Mary Doores and granddaughter of Joe and Ola Doores, Pastors of Evangelistic Church of North Kansas City.

Brad was born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado. There, he met Pastor Bobby and Deanne Aragon and helped start-up New Beginnings Church where he was ordained and served 10 years as Associate Pastor, Lead Usher, and head of Men’s Ministry. He is the son of Gilbert and Judy Pryor.